Increase bookings with a seamless brand journey.

Get the tools & knowledge to propel your brand forwards in just 5 days.

Your brand isn’t just a logo or pretty Instagram post.


It’s every touchpoint in your client’s journey. And with lots of holes & roadblocks in your brand journey, you’re losing clients without even knowing it. A seamless brand journey makes the difference between winning a loyal client or them going elsewhere.

Can you relate?

  • Feeling like there might be a disconnect between how your brand is perceived and the luxury experience you actually offer?

  • Frustrated that the bookings aren’t coming in as much as they should or from the right types of clients?

  • Stuck in a rut, trying different tactics but seeing little to no growth in your business?.

  • Feeling lost in a marketing minefield and unsure why things just aren’t sticking?

Now, picture this


  • You’re armed with the knowledge of exactly how to move your brand forwards from day one.

  • You have a clear understanding of your brand's direction, reclaiming control of your time, focusing only on what truly matters.

  • Every interaction with your brand now leaves a lasting impression, cultivating trust and loyalty among your dream clients.

  • You’re starting to see a tangible increase in bookings, transforming your business into the lucrative venture you've always dreamed of.



In 5 days, you will have a complete review of your brand journey or experience from the eyes of the people who matter the most - your clients. We’ll tackle the blindspots; the bits that you’re too close to to notice.

You’ll receive a detailed roadmap on how to optimise each of your crucial touch points to create a seamless, luxury brand experience that reassures your clients that you are the right advisor for them.

Introducing the D.A.R.E. framework:

Discovery: I’ll get to know you & your business. You will fill out a questionnaire and we’ll have a 60-minute strategy session.

Analysis: I’ll then dive deep into your brand identity and experience from the perspective of your clients (across the 5 crucial touchpoints.)

Recommend: I’ll prepare your comprehensive audit document outlining actionable steps to refine your brand identity and brand touchpoints so that you can create an unforgettable brand experience.

Empower: You’ll have a personalised brand roadmap along with the recommended tools to catapult your brand forwards.

The five crucial brand touchpoints

I’ll conduct an in-depth analysis across the five most crucial touchpoints analysing your current brand identity, including visuals, messaging, positioning, as well as user experience, consistency, and how easy it is to convert.

  • This is the point where your client first finds you online. This could be a simple Google search or it could be stalking your social media accounts.

  • This the point where your client is now considering working with you. They've clicked through to your website or downloaded your lead magnet and want to learn more.

  • This is the point where they have decided they like what they see and are warming up. They are ready to take action and want to find out more from you directly.

  • Whoop! This is the exciting point where you secure them as a client. You will be sending out all of the necessary paperwork and officially bringing them into your world.

  • Your client has been signed, sealed, delivered and is about to set sail on their trip. This is still an important brand touchpoint band a way to reassure them...and remind them how awesome you are!

What they’re saying

  • "Wow, Claire. I cannot believe how much value is jam-packed in here. I literally cannot wait to get started. Thank you!"


  • "Claire, guess what? I implemented one of your recommendations and got a booking the next day!! Who’d have thought something so simple would do the trick?! Thank you!"


  • "Thank you so much for this. It is so helpful seeing everything broken down like this. I no longer feel so stressed out about everything."


The one thing you need to build is trust.

If your brand is inconsistent, it doesn’t feel trustworthy and your dream clients won’t book with you. It’s that simple.


VOYAGE Strategy Session: 1:1 session with Claire to deep dive into your brand's essence, goals and aspirations.

Research + Analysis: Deep analysis across multiple brand touchpoints plus market dynamics and positioning your brand.

Empowered Action Plan: Personalised roadmap tailored to your brand's needs.


I’m Claire Moorhead.


The one thing that I’ve learned in my 15+ years of experience is that if you want to build a luxury experience that attracts those dream clients, you need a seamless, cohesive brand experience across every touchpoint.

I’m here to help you see the blind spots - the things that are impossible to see when you’re in the thick of running your own business.

I’ll uncover all of those missed opportunities and give you an actionable plan to elevate your brand experience. Meaning more bookings and less headaches!

This is perfect If…

  • You’re a luxury travel advisor and been in business for 2+ years. 

  • You don’t need to have polished branding and likewise, this isn’t about hating your current branding. 

  • You need to be open-minded and ready to look at things a bit differently. 

  • Bring your openness to change, a willingness to explore your brand further, and a desire for a deeper connection with your audience. 

  • This service is for those ready to shed inconsistencies, take action and take their business to the next level.


  • A brand audit uncovers hidden and missed opportunities, identifies barriers preventing your dream clients from booking with you, and provides a roadmap with actionable steps to enhance your brand experience. Ultimately, it's about maximising your brand's effectiveness and attracting more of the right clients.

  • The brand audit process takes around 5 days from our strategy call . I like to deliver comprehensive insights and recommendations within a reasonable timeframe to ensure your brand can start thriving as soon as possible.

  • It begins with a pre-survey to gather essential information about your brand and goals. I then conduct in-depth research, analysing your brand, ideal clients, market across 5 cruicial touchtoints to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.

  • Brand touchpoints are every interaction your clients have with your brand, from the first glimpse of your website to the moment they set sail. They encompass website visits, social media engagement, emails, phone calls, and every experience in between. Each touchpoint shapes the perception of your brand and influences client decisions.

  • After completing the brand audit, you'll receive a detailed audit document outlining my findings, insights, and recommendations for enhancing your brand. Additionally, you'll receive a personalised Loom video presentation where we walk you through the audit findings and provide further insight. From there, you can begin implementing the actionable steps outlined in the audit to elevate your brand experience.

  • My goal is to empower you by making this as simple as possible and so you are able to make changes yourself. However, if you encounter challenges or need assistance, you can always upgrade to my brand COUTURE service.

Book a Discovery Call


Let’s find out if we’re a good match during a 20-minute, no strings attached, discovery call.

Instagram is my Jam